All in Music

You Should Know UK Singer Fabienne

My late night adventures on the internet usually end with me either watching something on Netflix, or falling down a deep rabbit hole of YouTube videos consisting of dog breeds that I would never own, or viewing a bevy of adult entertainment. 

[Editorial] Don't Shoot The Messenger, Trinidad James Speaks The Truth

For the better part of my younger life New York rappers dominated Hip Hop. From Wu-Tang, to Nas, Biggie, Jay-Z, and DMX. The 90’s were pure unadulterated New York. Sure the west had the G-Funk era in the early part of the decade, but after the fall of Death Row, that was it. And while Jay Z has remained Brooklyn till he dies, steady getting air play whenever he drops an album. Other artist haven’t been so lucky.

[Editorial] Rappers Should Know When to Break Kayfabe

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true," specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or pre-determined nature. Kayfabe has also evolved to become a code word of sorts for maintaining this "reality" within the realm of the general public (from wikipedia). Hulk Hogan is character Terry Bollea portrays. Hulk Hogan tells kids to take their vitamins and say their prayers, Terry tells lies to get himself out of trouble, and prays that his wife or anyone else for that matter doesn't sue him for more money.