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What The Nikki/Brie Feud Needs To Survive

Credit: WWE

WWE Needs To Inject Realism Into This Rivalry

Heading into Summerslam the biggest surprise had to be how well received the Step/Brie feud was. This feud started at Payback when Brie Bella quit the WWE before she slapped Stephanie McMahon. That slap led to her sister Nikki Bella being put in handicap matches as a punishment for Brie’s actions. Brie returned to television on July 21 and her and Steph have been going back in forth ever since. On the “go home” show of Monday Night Raw August 11, this feud took a turn for the worse with the introduction of Megan Miller, Daniel Bryan’s physical therapist and his alleged mistress. 

Understanding that wrestling fans can be fickle at times, its easy to see why the WWE chose to keep Daniel Bryan’s name in this feud while he is sidelined for God knows how long. And take into account the job of a heel aka bad guy is to assassinate the character of the babyface aka the good guy. But if Steph was looking to draw real heat (get boos) then she should have looked no further than her own husband.

Triple H had a career-threatening injury during Raw in late spring of 2001 where him and Stone Cold Steve Austin defended the Tag Team Championship against Chris Jericho and Chris Beniot. Triple H suffered a tear in his left quadriceps muscle. He lost the ability to put any weight on his leg, but not only did he continue the match Jericho put him in the Walls of Jericho a move that places stress on the quadriceps. Triple H was out for eight months. This is the fuel Stephanie McMahon should have used. Taunting Brie stating that the weight of two belts was too much for your husband Daniel Bryan, and how her husband Triple came back from injury bigger and better than ever. And if your husband does come back he will be half the tiny man he was.

This is real and the fans can get behind it. No one for a second believed Daniel Bryan cheated on his wife for two reasons. One Daniel Bryan is an all around good guy, he even stopped to robbers from burglarizing his home in Arizona and two TMZ did not report any infidelity relating to Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella.

Summerslam this past Sunday August 17, saw Nikki Bella turn on her sister Brie helping Steph get the victory. On Monday night everyone waited for Nikki to explain her actions to Brie and all we got was Nikki saying how she was always there for her and Brie did not appreciate it. Nikki should have focused on the jealousy of Brie being married while she and her long time boyfriend John Cena are not anywhere close to an altar or the insults of being called the fat twin or specifically mention the fact that Brie as of late is considered the better wrestler of the two. All three of those things are from real life. And they make more sense than the whole “Brie always wanted to be better than me” excuse. 

WWE has their hands full with this feud and the sad part is we may not see Steph wrestle again for another decade. 

What do you guys think of this Nikki/Brie feud, leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Jon is  a non-single father of none, who spends most of his time watching Netflix creating/editing podcasts and maintaining a decent "nice guy to a**hole" ratio.

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