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Here's How Payback 2016 Will Play Out


Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin

Winning the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal in his debut, has Baron Corbin starting off his rookie season on a high note. Ziggler on the other hand has seem to be regulated to enhancement talent and that's what he'll do at Payback.

Winner: Baron Corbin

Kalisto vs. Ryback (United States Championship)

Its amazing, a difference a year makes. Last year John Cena had begun his open challenges that saw the debuts of Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens. Elevating the U.S. Championship to the number two title in the company. Now the last time the belt has defended on the main show was at this year's Royal Rumble. Instead of booking Kalisto as legit champ, WWE used him in tag matches. Ryback has been frustrated with how he's been used lately, begging to be the guy to take over for Cena. I don't think he can filled those fruity pebbled colored shoes, but I do think he will be the new United States Champ.

Winner: Ryback

The Main Card

Big Cass & Enzo vs The Vaudevillians (No. 1 Contender)

The Tag Team Tournament introduced by current Tag Champs The New Day, has been exciting to say the least. Big Cass & Enzo and The Vaudevillians have looked good on the main roster and are undefeated. The crowd is really behind Big Cass & Enzo, but I think the WWE is going to make the WWE Universe wait to see "The Realest Guys In The Room" get a title shot. The Dudley Boys aren't finished with them and will cost the Big Cass & Enzo this match.

Winner: The Vaudevillians

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens

This friendship/rivalry, starting in 2007, has crossed a few promotions (PWG, ROH, NXT, WWE) and after seeing the promo video WWE did this week, I'm still not tired of it. The video did a lot for Zayn who before now barely has a backstory on the main roster. Even still I see Owens getting the victory and a rematch at Extreme Rules in a stipulation match.

Winner: Kevin Owens 

Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho

A match that was talked about for Wrestlemania 32 is now happening at Payback. Not much here other than beef over a talk show segment. Ambrose probably should have won at WM 32 and Jericho should have lost at WM 32. WWE will get it right at Payback and Ambrose will win.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Charlotte w/ Ric Flair vs Natalya w/ Bret Hart (WWE Women's Championship)

Yes this is a repeat of a 2014 match in NXT. Yes Bret Hart is in full blown get off my lawn mode. Yes the outcome is going to be the same. As long as the match is amazing, most people won't care.

Winner: Charlotte Retains

The Miz w/Maryse vs Cesaro (Intercontinental Championship)

The best part about The Miz is he knows how to get heat. Lately he's been great on the mic with the help of his wife Maryse, and when all else fails he has a face that people want to punch. I don't know how I feel about Cesaro's 007 gimmick, but I'm happy he's back. Again I think the Miz will win this due Extreme Rules being so close to Payback setting up a rematch.

Winner: The Miz Retains

Vince McMahon Chooses Who Controls Raw

Close your eyes and think back to a time long ago, when Shane took on The Undertaker with control of Raw up for grabs. Wait that happened this month!? Yup WWE usually has a three month rule where they want most of the Universe to forget most things that happened. This one month rule is utterly ridiculous. Honestly is WWE doesn't care then why should I. Oh yeah predictions. Vince will tell his offspring to run the show together leading to all sorts of mishaps and high jinks. Wrestling... Yay!

Decision: Both Shane and Stephanie Will Have Control

Roman Reigns vs AJ Styles (WWE World Heavyweight Championship)

Here's my not so crazy theory on how this match plays out. This will be a solid back and forth. At one point Styles will have the upper hand and get to his feet to hit Reigns with Phenomenal Forearm (that's a dumb name btw) when Gallows and Anderson show up. Styles will wave them off because he's "Phenomenal," but Gallows and Anderson attack Styles officially joining The Roman Empire! Think about it they attacked The Usos, but when they attacked Reigns they didn't use Magic Killer. I think Reigns is learning how to be The Guy!

Winner: Roman Reigns Retains

How do you guys see Payback playing out? Post your picks in the comments below.