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How To: Build a Vanity Station Pt. 1

The mirror and hair bow holders

Hello again my crafty friends. I am doing a special make-over for my daughter’s room. It’s a bit of a challenge to find a nice balance, since my daughters are 7 years apart. My oldest is nine years old and in the 4th grade and my youngest is just two. With this DIY project I'm decorating their whole room on a budget.  I'm starting with making my oldest daughter, Brielle, a  vanity station. She is now into doing her own hair and all that girly stuff that pre-teens do. 

Part one is going to includes the Mirror for her vanity and Letter hair bow holders.


  • A Mirror- you can get any size mirror you want. I got mine from goodwill for .99 cents.
  • Large Letters- My daughter’s names begin with a C and a B so I grabbed them from Hobby 1.99 when they were 50% off so basically I got them for $1 each.
  • Paint- whatever paint and colors you want to use. Lately I have been using paint from Wal-Mart. For $ .50.  I also used the can of spray paint.
  • Ribbon- any type of ribbon you may need. I got mine from Hobby Lobby. The fat Roll its 3.99 got it when they had their 50% off so it was basically $2
  • Hot Glue Gun- I warn you to be careful it gets extremely hot.

Lets Get Started:

I purchased a mirror from Good Will it was only .99 cents. Score for me! It wasn't anything special and it was a light purple. But a crafter’s mind always sees something ordinary and turns it into something special. On the back of the mirror, half of the hooks that hold the glass in place were broken, so painted it black with two coats of spray paint. I let it dry then I made a border around the frame with pink puffy paint. My daughter loved it. It took a couple of hours for the paint on the mirror to completely dry.

Next we will go over the letter hair bow holders. I grabbed two letters C and B from Hobby Lobby. I also grabbed a crown in the same cardboard material that the letters were in. I let the girls choose what color they wanted their letters and of course, they both choose pink. Since the mirror is mostly black and I didn't want to make their room too dark. I choose to keep the hair bow holders pink and white. The girls and painted the letters pink. I choose to put "Princess" on both the crown and ribbon. On the princess Crown, I picked up a rhinestone Princess Word. 1.99, and of course I got it when it was half off.  I placed that in the Middle of the Crown. It is just a cute extra decoration to add to her Vanity Station.  

You can place this anywhere in the room. We choose a place where we want to put her vanity. (when we get it) put for now we placed the mirror in the middle of where her vanity table will be. Then on each side of the mirror we hung the hair bow holders. On top of the mirror we placed the princess crown. Now both girls will always know where their hair bows are and know where to put them when they are not in their hair. It always adds a cute and inexpensive decoration to their room.

Keep a look out for Part Two of the Vanity Station as well as other inexpensive tips and décor we placed in the girls room. If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a comment, or visit my face book or twitter page. Until Next Time…


Danielle Johnson is a mother of three who enjoys clipping coupons and creating crafts.

You can connect with her here: