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Why Women Ain't Sh*t: A Two-Part Series

I know women read the title and got angry instantly. But hey, that's what women do - get mad without knowing all the details first. Now before you all start plotting a Women's Rights March, let me start by saying that my next blog will be doing what us women love so much: Bashing men. For now, let's focus on women. Disclaimer: If you find yourself getting more and more defensive as you scroll, then you are probably the reason why women ain't sh*t. Enjoy.

1. Women are bitter creatures, but only in regards to other women.
2. Women will bend over backwards to please men who treat them like garbage.
3. Women are the biggest catfishers. The ol' bait-n-switch is in full effect
4. Women will holler about child support and their baby daddy being a dead beat, but come up with all kinds of reasons for him not to see or take care of his child.
5. Women are easy. The stock on vagina is plummeting because you all are giving it away like an Oprah Favorite Things episode.
6. Women take pride in stealing another woman's man.
7. Women lack loyalty and I'm not talking about the loyalty to penis.
8. Women do not know the difference between being stern and being a b****.
9. Women will ask for advice but not take it.
10. Women will try to claim "differing parenting styles" as a guise for poorly raising their children. Take a look at how many bad kids there are these days and let me know if I'm lying.
11. Women have a skewed vision of their appearance.  I'm sorry, but not everyone is a Barbie.
12. Women can not cook. That box of macaroni paired with a hot dog is not a show of your kitchen mastery.
13. Women play the victim. At some point women have to realize that THEY are the cause of their own downfall.
14. Women are tattletales. Women feel like they need to report everything.
15. Women will ditch their friends the moment they get into a relationship.
16. Women will rely on a switch of the hips or a bat of the eye to get what they want, but then get mad when men only look at them as sex objects.
17. Women spend tons of money on clothes that will be out of style within a few months.
18. Women nag.
19. Women enjoy drama.
20. Women will sacrifice their dignity to be the center of attention for a moment.