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10 For Creative (11/25/13)

1. Orton/Cena did we time travel to 2009?
2. Orton/Cena is this really what's good for business?
3. How long before you realize rehashing old rivalries is what's killing your ratings/buy rates?
4. Are we the only one's who heard "we want Daniel" chants?
5. So the Sandow/Ziggler feud can pretty much be called. Creative has nothing for you but we wont release you?
6. When Missy Hyatt starts poking holes in WWE Creatives logic you're definetly in trouble. Have you realized this?
7. Stop force feeding Eva Marie she is awful. Not a question a true statement.
8. Have you realized that your teaching us "what's good for business" is "what we don't want"?
9. The Shield work for The Authority but who do the Wyatt's work for? Who is Sister Abigail?”
10. Where will the title unification leave Del Rio, Orton, Big Show, Sheamus etc. ?