Scamming On Life

Scamming On Life

The world we live in today is just expensive. The cost of living just keeps going up. Like Gas for an example when I first started driving $10 would fill up my gas tank and last me all week sometimes two. Now it takes $60 to fill up my tank and that only last me a week. Now everyone has to have Health Insurance and boy let me tell you it is expensive. You have to eat and food is even expensive now in days. With such High cost of living you have no choice but to work unless your have a Huge Bank Roll.. But in my case and a lot of other people we don't. So we have to hit the old 9-5 well in my case 7-5 everyday M-F. At the end of the week and after I dish out money for bills I feel like I’m working just to pay bills. So not what I thought life was about when I was a kid. But I’m an adult now so I have to deal with the harsh reality of the world.

With the high cost of everything in this world, some people have really fallen on hard times. They have lost jobs, houses, family etc. So now they are homeless roaming the streets asking complete strangers for help, food, shelter, work. We have all seen someone in this state. Not to say that we know them personally, but we have seen men and women standing on the corner holding out signs asking people for help. Its a sad situation, but with how cruel the world is today and how lazy Americans have gotten, its gone from sad to SAD!

My feelings about people standing on the sides of the street holding up signs asking for help has really gotten me split in two. I have a feeling of emotions that rush over me when I see someone standing on the side of the street. As a Child I was blinded to the wicked ways of the world so I use to feel sad. Wanted to help everyone. Wanted to hand out a buck or give out of food whenever I seen someone looking for help. As a adult. I have that feeling from time to time but then I look at someone people roll my eyes and keep it moving. 

Not don't get me wrong I still try and give. Like the other day I had seen two guys who looked really washed up and this was their second day sitting on the corner and for someone reason I felt that they were really in a tough point in their so I had to singles in my purse and I gave it to them. The man Said God Bless you and Thanked me. I felt good about myself. I felt like I was able to help out someone even tho it was only $2 at least it can help them a little bit. I wish the world could be like this for people who really need help. Not people who are abusing the system.

Which takes me to another guy I use to see all the time everyday. Standing on a street I would take. He held out a sign that said that him and his family (wife and 3 children) were homeless and he was asking for a handout. Deep down in my gut something told me not to help this guy. But everyday

like clock work there he was. Well one day I decided to take a different route home. And low and behold I had seen a lady standing there with a sign. Now as I was driving closer to the light a car was on the side of the road, nice car looked damn near brand new. Guess who was in the drivers seat.. The same guy who was standing on the corner everyday asking for a hand out. The lady I was assuming was his wife, had started walking back to the car. As I passed her I looked to my rear view mirror and watched as she got in the car and they did a U-turn and went the other direction. I suddenly gotten sick to my stomach. I was disgusted as to how a person could stoop so low as to fake being homeless, poor and ask for other peoples hard earned money just to pay for them to have a nice car, a nice house and eat good. Just SAD

I am going to share one more story about a lady who was standing on the side of the road one time. Her sign stated that she had three children. She even put pictures of her children on the sign. It stated that she lost her job and was looking for help with paying her rent and feeding her children. Now this lady pissed me off. First off if you have time to stand on a corner with a sign asking for help paying your rent then you have time to go out and look for a job. I couldn't believe she actually put on her sign that she was looking for someone to help pay her rent. My thoughts to her and a lot of the scam artist out here that would rather beg for money then actually go out and get a job. If you can stand all day and ask for a hand out then you can go and get a job holding a sign and get paid for it. They are always jobs looking for sign holders.... Just my thought!!



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